A bicycle march devoted to “World Bicycle Day” was held in Seoul

On June 3rd, 2018, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Korea arranged a bicycle march devoted to “World Bicycle Day” in the city of Seoul.

Public officials, representatives of NCOs, diplomats and university students took part in this event. Also, residents of Seoul who are fond of bicycling joined the event.

Under the initiative of Esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov June 3rd was announced by UN General Assembly as the World Bicycle Day.

Currently, big attention for developing physical culture and sport development is paid in Turkmenistan. Under the slogan of “Nation’s health – country’s wealth”, big efforts are done to strengthen the health of the citizens of Turkmenistan, to participate in physical activities and sports, as well as to increase the level of sportsmen’s skills of Independent Turkmenistan on different international sports events.

Big attention to develop the cycling sports is also paid in Turkmenistan. It has become a tradition for Turkmenistan to hold mass bicycle marches throughout the country. A bicycle tournament called “Amul-Hazar 2018” has started in Turkmenistan in the beginning of 2018.

The events that are being carried out in Turkmenistan are aimed for not only the people of Turkmenistan, but also for developing will for doing sports, strengthening health and widely engaging people of all countries into developing mass sports and physical culture.