Cooperation issues discussed between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea

On June 3, 2024, 9th meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Korean Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation was held via videoconference. The meeting was attended by heads and representatives of the relevant ministries and departments of the two countries. The Turkmen delegation was headed by the Chairman of the board of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan Mr. Rahimberdi Jepbarov. The delegation of the Republic of Korea was represented by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea Mr. Ahn Dukgeun.

During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues of interstate cooperation, primarily in the field of trade and economic partnership, investment, chemical, oil and gas industries as well as healthcare.

The meeting participants exchanged views on a number of priority areas for further cooperation, including strengthening our country’s capabilities in the field of shipbuilding and attracting Korean technologies. It was recognized that the infrastructure capabilities created in our country provide opportunities for further expansion of cooperation in the field of transport.

During the meeting, the parties emphasized the importance of the highest level meetings in advancing the cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea. Additionally, various events and forums facilitated by negotiations between the Leaders of both states are deemed essential for elevating the bilateral relationship to a qualitatively new level.

Following the meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Korean Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation, a corresponding Protocol was signed.